Helping You Navigate
Most companies have had at least some success internationally, but understanding how to multiply and sustain these is not immediately apparent. The normal progression is to start with typical methods and models used in their home markets, with of course some obvious resource increments. Developed countries have clear rules of the game, transparency and accountability of process, which allow companies to address opportunities at the entry-levels of the customer structure. These engagements can be executed by front-line account managers and easily measured, scaled and forecasted to upper management. Companies which are genuinely global make the leap from a mastery of these transparent and predictable markets to a harnessing the very different dynamics of opaque environments, which comprise at least 70% of global purchasing power. How do you sell, scale and forecast in these markets?
Blacklin Associates professionals have seasoned experience in “crossing the chasm” from developed country operations to successful and sustainable operations in developing and emerging countries. |